China’s close to one trillion US dollar investment program One Belt, One Road (OBOR) is facing serious pitfalls that could stop it from succeeding, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Huffington Post. Insufficient due diligence is just one of a range of potential barriers, she writes.Read More →

China has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and president Xi Jinping vowed to give the last millions of poor also a better life. Economics professor Sara Hsu of the State University of New York explains in CCTV what the country’s receipt for poverty relief has been.Read More →

Around 100 billion US dollar leaves China illegally each year, estimates financial analyst Sara Hsu. Only last year 380 banks were busted for money laundering. She discusses at CGTN what the government does to prevent those illegal transactions.Read More →

Self-sufficiency in food has long been the mantra of China. But that is changing, as the country even imports rice from the US. Aging farmers, pollution and other challenges makes this change necessary, tells assistant professor Sara Shu, as the domestic production cannot be guaranteed.Read More →

P2P service Yirendai tries to move up in the financial food chain by turning to wealth managements. Most P2P platforms are not able to do so, says financial analyst Sara Hsu to the South China Morning Post. But Yirendai could be the exception, she adds.Read More →

US president Trump called China a currency manipulator and announced a 45% import tax on Chinese goods during his election campaign, but instead came up with a 100-day plan to work out friendly relations. Political analyst Sara Hsu discusses how the 100 day plan is developing, and why Trump changed his viewpoint.Read More →

Xi Jinping’s One Belt, One Road initiative has raised many voices, inside China rather positive, outside China often sceptical. Financial analyst Sara Hsu looks at some details of the multiple trillions US dollar project and feels getting it right might be tough, whatever side you are on as financial checks and balances are lacking, she writes in the Huffington Post.Read More →

Financial analyst Sara Hsu looks at the new chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), Guo Shuqing, and the man he replaces, Shang Fulin. What has Shang done to deal with this murky financial sector, and can Guo do better, she wonders in Asia Times.Read More →

Chinese authorities have started to crack down on zombie firms, firms that mostly exist in name. A good sign, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Diplomat, but there might be huge differences between provinces, she warns, as the government also wants to avoid job losses.Read More →

Already underfunded and facing a fast aging population, healthcare in China is under pressure. Financial analyst Sara Hsu sees some encouraging tests in keeping costs down, but many more reforms are needed to pass the test, she writes in the Diplomat.Read More →

China and especially Foxconn has been taking the lead in replacing labor by robots in manufacturing. Especially for the low-income jobs that might be bad news, says financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Diplomat. Job creating in the right sector is not going fast enough.Read More →