Hong Kong might have lost much importance as a gateway to mainland China, for the financial markets Beijing still needs a stable Hong Kong, says financial analyst Victor Shih in NTD. The reason Chinese entities are borrowing through Hong Kong is that the financial institutions around the world, including the International Monetary Fund, legally treat Hong Kong as a separate entity, he said.Read More →

The US discount retailer Costco made a blast when it opened its first flagship store in China this week. Business analyst Sara Hsu see it as a way to keep costs down when tariffs go up during the ongoing trade war, she tells the Vancouver Star. Solid sales to Chinese consumers could keep costs in check for US consumers too. If they succeed in China.Read More →

The trade war damages both US and China’s economy, and global trade. Financial and political analyst Victor Shih, Ho Miu Lam Chair associate professor of political economy at UC San Diego and author of the forthcoming “Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability,” gives an overview of the damage in the Los Angeles Times.Read More →