While the jury is still out on how well the iPhone6 will do on the market, and especially among the spoiled Chinese consumers, China´s export will certainly get a boost, thanks to Apple´s latest gadget, tells retail analyst Ben Cavender in CCTV.Read More →

White goods producer Haier has an amazing story of change, where its CEO Zhang Ruimin reinvented the company, three times, tells IMD-professor Bill Fischer in CKGSB Knowledge. Fischer is co-author of Reinventing Giants: How Chinese Global Competitor Haier Has Changed the Way Big Companies Transform.Read More →

The newly established Bureau of Real Estate Registration might signal a new track for the central government to control its unruly real estate sector, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in the Diplomat. “The real estate registration system will increase transparency in property rights, which is certainly an improvement over the murkiness of today’s diverse and localized registration platforms.”Read More →

When the Hu-Wen government abolished the agricultural tax, everybody sang high praise. But it robbed local governments from their only source of income, apart from land sales and its corrupt practices. The National Audit Office is now trying to correct some of those wrongdoings, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in Triple Crisis.Read More →

Chinese consumers bought US$176.1 billion worth of goods online in the first half of 2014, almost 10% of all retail sales. Great potential, admits financial analyst Sara Hsu in The Diplomat, although there are also major barriers for its development.Read More →