Former trade negotiator Harry Broadman warns at Bloomberg the trade war is far from over despite positive sounds on the phase 1 agreement. US President Donald Trump seems more engaged in winning the 2020 presidential elections than ending the trade war. And he introduces agricultural deals for the US thatRead More →

Trade negotiations between the US and China have moved away from substantial issues, as the Trump administration is using the ongoing trade war as a tool to win the presidential elections in the US 2020, says Harry Broadman, former top trade and economic adviser to Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to CNBC.Read More →

One of the major global initiatives by China was the massive Belt and Road Initiative, reviving the old silk roads. In May 2017 a major international conference showed what our experts were already expecting: now all roads lead to China. Even countries who suffered from difficult relations with China, including both Koreas, appeared in Beijing.Larger than the former Marshall Plan after the Second World War, OBOR is going to redefine global trade.Read More →

The trade war between China and the US is taking another casualty, says super-investor Jim Rogers: the US dollar. He will no longer bet on the US currency, as a downturn is nearing fast in a few years’ time, he tells according to News Max. Although for gamblers, buying US dollars for the short run might be an opportunity. In the long run he will switch to China’s renminbi or gold.Read More →

China’s currency, the yuan, is on a downward track, not because of government action, but is a market reaction on the US tariffs on Chinese goods, says investment guru Jim Rogers. Washington has to blame itself for the weakening yuan, he tells in the More →

If some US politicians hope the trade war between China and the US might undermine Xi Jinping’s domestic power base, they are on the wrong track, says political analyst Victor Shih at US-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearings at the US Congress, according to the South China Morning Post.Read More →

The US discount retailer Costco made a blast when it opened its first flagship store in China this week. Business analyst Sara Hsu see it as a way to keep costs down when tariffs go up during the ongoing trade war, she tells the Vancouver Star. Solid sales to Chinese consumers could keep costs in check for US consumers too. If they succeed in China.Read More →