China’s big cities are developing a new city life, including new identities, writes journalist Ian Johnson, author of The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao, at the opening chapter of, Shanghai Sacred: The Religious Landscape of a Global City, by photographer and anthropologist Liz Hingley, quoted in a review of the photo exhibition in Liverpool at Creative BoomRead More →

China’s competitive landscape is changing fast, and the blooming incubators for startups offer multinational a much-needed edge in local competition, says William Bao Bean, managing director of the Chinaccellator in Shanghai to Forbes. “When you’re under pressure and local players are taking market share from you, you look to innovation.”Read More →

The US discount retailer Costco made a blast when it opened its first flagship store in China this week. Business analyst Sara Hsu see it as a way to keep costs down when tariffs go up during the ongoing trade war, she tells the Vancouver Star. Solid sales to Chinese consumers could keep costs in check for US consumers too. If they succeed in China.Read More →