China’s laws have not kept pace with its rapidly evolving retail sector. A major overhaul of consumer protection legislation is set to take effect on March 15, 2014. In short the Revision basically changes everything for consumers in China. As always, only time will tell as to how it is implemented but the intent is clear – consumers will be given greater protection, writes Mark Schaub, lawyer at King&Wood and Malleson.Read More →

Migrant workers suffer from a wide range of mental disorders, caused by their working situation, tells author Zhang Lijia at the CNN-website. Her findings are based on recent research by Yu Cheng,Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. More action on the workplace is needed.Read More →

The consolidation of president Xi Jinping´s power is going to be the news story of 2014, says Kaiser Kuo, director international relations at Baidu in PRI. Kuo has a rather positive view on 2014, despite recent rise in international tensions.Read More →

Most people in China still fail to understand what Mao Zedong did right, and what he did wrong, argues author Zhang Lijia in the South China Morning Post. Especially now current president Xi Jinping is lending some of his legacy, an open debate is urgently due, although it is unlikely to happen.Read More →

Apple got after five years negotiating its deal with China Mobile, the world´s largest mobile telecom provider. But according to business analyst Shaun Rein it is very unlikely many of the 759 million China Mobile subscribers will fall for Apple´s 4G phones. The top-end users have already signed up subscriptions with for example Samsung, and 80% of the users use 2G and won´t switch easy to 4G.Read More →

Fons Tuinstra, the representative of the China Speakers Bureau in Europe, will be on a visit in China till January 11. He will be staying in Shanghai and has some possibilities to discuss possible business cooperation. He is available by email, WeChat, Google+, LinkedIn, facebook and twitter. He can also be reached by phone: +41796730885.Read More →

Foreign firms find the business climate in China ´worse than ever´, tells business analyst Shaun Rein to the Wall Street Journal. Economic growth is lower, and companies wonder what kind of investments are worth while. Pollution and protectionism do the rest.Read More →

The population bubble created by Mao Zedong is becoming a wave of pensioners, as China’s current population – limited by a one-child policy – might not be able to sustain that grey gulf. Analyst Paul French takes a peek at the countries demographic abyss for the EastAsiaForum.Read More →