Fashion firm Shein makes inroads into the global market with a smart approach to please its consumers: an unbelievable speed focusing on social media, says e-commerce expert Matthew Brennan to Drapers’ Online. Brennan says that once an item is trending, Shein simultaneously increases social media activity for these products to boost sales further. (currency in British pounds)Read More →

Investors got jittery when China’s government started a coordinated action to limit the power of its tech industry. But business analyst Shaun Rein saw how powerful companies made consumers and the government weary. Rein believes stricter oversight of the technology industry will make it more sustainable, with fairer competition that will benefit consumers, he tells AP.Read More →

China’s government is trying to control its tech sector and VIE’s (Variable Interest Entities) are high on their agenda. But outside the China business, very few people know what VIE’s are and China lawyer Mark Schaub reposted his vlog on what VIE’s actually are, even though they are a key feature in China’s tech sector.Read More →

China’s government is tightening the strings for tech companies, especially when it comes to data management, says business analyst Ben Cavender at RTHK. “I think you’re going to see companies like this that really do peddle in data come under a lot more scrutiny going forward,” he said.Read More →