Walt Disney is not only opening an entertainment park in Shanghai, but also on Wednesday the biggest retail operation ever, wit 2,000 products on 860 square meters. The company is trying to win the China market, that was dominated by counterfeits, says retail analyst Ben Cavender in the China Daily.Read More →

China´s labor conditions were notoriously bad, but the shift to higher-skilled, younger laborers, and better legislation has changed the country profoundly, writes urbanization expert Sara Hsu in the Diplomat. Although, there is still room for more improvement.Read More →

The decision by Best Buy to withdraw from the China market is not a real surprise, and illustrates that successful brands elsewhere cannot assume they can conquer the China market too, says Shanghai-based retail analyst Ben Cavender in the China Daily.Read More →

VC William Bao Bean started as managing director of ChinaAccelerator, one of China´s most active breeding place for startups. ChinaAccelerator offers an international bridge for those mostly overlooked starting, smaller tech firms, he tells TechinAsia.Read More →

William Bao Bean has joined SOS Ventures as an Investment Partner, Asia and takes over as Managing Director of Chinaccelerator, the first and longest running startup accelerator program in China based out of Shanghai and run by SOS Ventures.Read More →